THN! Newsletter - October 2023

THN! News - Elevate Quantum Receives Tech Hub Designation!

It’s been a big week here at THN! From Zoom calls at the White House to a roundtable with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo – we’ve been convening, celebrating, and planning for the next phase of the grant process. The Biden administration designated 31 winning communities that will receive potential investment to scale-up advanced industries to drive national and economic security.

Elevate Quantum, supported  by received a tech hub designation, and we are so proud of the entire team. Led by Corban Tillemann-Dick, CEO of Maybell Quantum and Zachary Yerushalmi, we are well positioned for Phase 2 of the competition. 

THN! also supported an application by the Colorado Cleanrange Consortium, led by Lu Cordova. Thanks to Lu who worked tirelessly with a passionate group of energy experts from 140 organizations across the state. Regardless of EDA’s designations, we all have confidence that Colorado will continue to lead the way in clean energy through the engagement of their consortium. 

Here’s a recap of this exciting and packed week:

  • EDA Designation status announcement (Monday)

  • President Biden Zoom call with designees (Monday)

  • Secretary Raimondo Roundtable with designees (Monday)

  • Elevate Quantum Governance Board kick-off meeting (Tuesday)

  • Elevate Quantum Consortium kick-off meeting (Thursday)

How will the Quantum Information Technology (QIT) Hub Accelerate Innovation?

By strategically aligning industry, academia, economic development organizations, federal labs, and government, Elevate Quantum will build an inclusive quantum workforce and ecosystem. The consortium will train 30,000 workers from different educational backgrounds, and projects to comprise 40% of its workforce from traditionally underrepresented groups within a decade. Strategic partnerships with startups, schools and economic development groups, including Techstars and Access Mode, will grow quantum companies and jobs benefitting the entire region.

What makes Colorado the best place for Quantum Information Technology?

For over 50 years, Colorado has led quantum innovation – with major leaders like NIST, JILA, and CU in our backyard and with local researchers receiving four quantum-related Nobel Prizes since 1997. Boasting seven universities with quantum programs, a strong network of industry startups, and large-scale quantum computing companies based here, we are well positioned to lead the Quantum Revolution.

“The quantum sector is one of the key industries of tomorrow, and I’m thrilled the Biden administration is awarding Colorado a TechHub designation for quantum technology. We will take full advantage of this decision to help create jobs, and support businesses and entrepreneurs because Colorado is the best place for tech and innovation.”

- Governor Jared Polis


The Elevate Quantum team will communicate our vision and strategy to all stakeholders, establish the governance strategy and structure of Elevate Quantum, fundraise to support the next phase of work, activate our industry-led consortium, and deliver a winning grant application that results in an award of the $50-75 million in investment dollars we need to build our Colorado ecosystem.

Deep gratitude goes to the many individuals and organizations who have shown their support – it takes a village!

- The TechHubNow! Team
Wendy Lea, Brooks Johnson, Alton Dillard and JB Holston